Friday, June 26, 2009

Midterm Assessment

I guess we are at the midterm of this course, so I am taking stock of where we are, what we have covered and where we go from here. Your blogs about the relevance (or not) of what we are learning are most helpful in this enterprise, and I am also looking forward to "listening in" to your online discussion of the "Rethinking Negotiation" article. Does feminist theory seem outrageous to anyone these days? It seems like common sense to me that we get farther with collaboration than with competitive bargaining and keeping score.

I certainly feel like I am learning a great deal from our work together this summer! Your questions and expectations keep me on my toes, and I have had to push myself into new communication technology applications to keep up with the rest of you. Most of all, I appreciate the examples and experiences you bring to class that give us opportunities to apply what we are learning as we go.

Have a happy and safe July 4th celebration!

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